Professional covert radio bug
The Necktie bug was a professional miniature crystal-based transmitter
built in the early 1990s by Mactron in Oosterbeek (Netherlands). The
device was intended for body worn use during covert and under cover
operations, primarily by government agencies such as the police.
The Necktie bug received its name from the primary concealment it
was intended for. It was designed to fit inside the knot of a necktie
and was thought not to be discovered during a body search.
A very thin wire, running down the cloth of the necktie, was used
as antenna.
The unit was powered by a large 3V button-type CR-2430 lithium battery.
The image on the right shows the prototype of the nectie bug. It is built
inside a slim line metal enclosure with a separate compartment for the
The microphone with built-in pre-amplifier is at the front left.
During an investigation, law enforcement agencies sometimes use
an under cover police officer or a 'turned' criminal as a bate, in the
hope that the prime suspect reveals incriminating details that can
be used as evidence during the investigation and in court.
In such cases, the bate often carries a concealed transmitter
and is then said to be 'wired' or to be 'carrying a wire'.
It allows nearby police officers to eavesdrop
on the conversation whilst recording it, and take action if necessary.
Carrying such a wire is not without risk.
Criminals generally know they are being watched and will be extra
careful when talking confidentially. In such cases, the wired person is likely
to receive a body search.
The image on the right shows the transmitter nicely hidden inside
the knot of a necktie. In this case the wire antenna is sewed behind the
lining of the necktie, completely invisible to the naked eye,
in such a way that it is lined up vertically.
The microphone is located at the top of the knot, in the ideal position
for picking up the conversation.
Due to its rather high position on the human body and the well-constructed
circuit, the necktie bug has a remarkably good operational range.
In combination with a high-end communications receiver it was possible to
cover a distance of more than one kilometer!
The transmitter is housed in a slimline metal case which is 37 x 37 mm
in size and just 4 mm high. The image on the right shows the interior
of the necktie bug in which only miniature and subminiature components
are used. Most of the space is taken by the high-capacity 3V battery
that allowed eight hours of uninterrupted use.
The small electret microphone is located at the front left. The
frequency of the transmitter is determined by the crystal in the
top corner, that is used in the 3rd overtone. This example works at
a frequency of 154.050 MHz (51.350 x 3).
The necktie bug was built in small quantities, exclusively for
law enforcement agencies, intelligence agencies and private investigators,
in The Netherlands and elsewhere. According to surviving
eyewitness stories, the necktie bug was used in a number of high-profile
undercover operations, but was never detected by criminals during a body search.
Mactron was an electronics and security company that was based in
Oosterbeek (Netherlands). The company was established in the late
1980s and specialized in video surveillance equipment for banks,
such as the Dutch ABN-Amro bank. A special department of Mactron
developed and built high-end security products in low quantities,
the so-called specials, such as the succesful
Necktie Bug that was used for covert operations,
and the original Mactron FM radio bug.
Around 1990, the company attracted additional capital and moved
to a new building where sufficient space was reserved for the
various activities. New personnel was attracted an various new
products were developed. In 1992 however, the company faced bankrupcy
after an alledged fraud by one of its new directors and bad
strategic decisions. The company was subsequently liquidated,
leaving the original owner empty handed.
Parts of the old Mactron eventually went to a new owner.
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