Miniature 35 mm camera
The Minox 35 EL was a miniature 35 mm camera, introduced in 1974
by Minox in Germany.
It is known as the smallest 35 mm camera in the world.
When closed, it's about the size of a pack of sigarettes and can easily be
hidden in a person's pocket. Although it's actually a consumer device,
it became a popular item during the Cold War, as an alternative
to the far more expensive sub-miniature cameras, such as the
Minox B.
It was even copied by the Russians.
The lens of the Minox 35 EL is retractable and can be covered by
a flap. When closed the camera measures only 10 x 6 x 3 cm, just
marginally larger than a pack of sigarettes. Because of the flat
design, it can easily be carried in the pocket of, say, a shirt.
Because of its small size, the excellent lens and the fact that it uses
standard 35 mm photo film,
the camera is ideally suited for document duplication and discreet photography.
It is equipped with a 1:2.8 35 mm lens that has a focus-range from 90 cm to
It has an electronic light meter which can be read from the view finder.
It also has an electro-mechanical shutter that is driven by a small electronic
circuit mounted just behind the lens. The electronic shutter is a known cause
of 'sudden death' problems with these cameras, but if it works,
the results are near to perfect.
The electronics are powered by a small 5.6V battery, such as the Duracell PX-27,
seated in a small compartment just above the lens, to the right of the view
finder. The compartment can be opened easily by removing the cap with a coin
(see the rightmost images below).
From a mechanical point of view, the camera is very simple.
It is opened by flipping a small lock at the bottom and sliding the cover
away. This reveals the rear of the lens, the space for the film and the
pick-up reel.
The image on the right shows the lens, seen from the rear.
The pick-up reel is on the right and at the bottom right is the small cog wheel that advances the film.
More images below.
The Minox 35 EL was so popular in the West that the Russians decided to
duplicate it completely.
The copy was built by Arsenal in Ukraine (former USSR) and was called the
Kiev 35A.
The dimensions were identical and every tiny detail was exacly duplicated,
including the bright red button, one of the landmarks of the Minox.
Accessories of the Minox 35 EL and the Kiev 35A are interchangeable.
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