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Minox EC
Subminiature camera

The Minox EC is a subminiature photo camera introduced by Minox GmbH in Germany in 1981. Although it accepts the same 8 x 11 mm film cartridges as the previous models, it's design is completely different. With a body made of plastic, it is often regarded as the poor-man's spy camera. The Minox EC was followed by the Minox EXC in the mid-1990's.
The image on the right shows a typical Minox EC camera. The most obvious difference with earlier models is the fact that the body is made of durable plastic rather than aluminium. The outer shell of the camera has to be removed completely when exchanging the film.

Another major difference with earlier cameras is the fact that the EC has a fixed focus lens, ranging from 1 metre to inifinity. This makes the camera less suitable for document photography. The film speed is set with a milled thumb-wheel just before the red button.
Minox EC open

Although the camera is generally not regarded as a true spy camera bacause of its fixed focus lens, it is in fact small enough to be hidden in the palm of a hand, making it the ideal companion for inconspicious photography. It is much smaller than the Minox C, the Minox LX and even the Minox B; about the same size as the earliest Minox Riga and the Minox A. The rightmost image below shows the Minox EC aside the Minox A.
Minox EC in the palm of a hand Minox EC in operation Original packaging Minox EC is original storage case Minox EC closed Minox EC open Shutter release button and controls A Minox A (rear) and Minox EC (front) compared. They have nearly the same size.

The Minox EC came standard with a black metal chain that allowed the camera to be attached to the clothing. As it has a fixed-focus lens, there are no knots on the chain to measure distances. Also supplied with the camera was a small plastic flash cube adapter. It could be slotted on to one end of the camera by means of three contacts and two spring-loaded locks. The images below show the Minox EC with its flash adapter attached.
Flash adapter Attaching the flash adapter Minox EC with flash adapter attached Minox EC with flash adapter attached Film compartment

Opening the camera
The Minox LX has two compartments that can be opened. One is the battery compartment at the right. It can be accessed by sliding back part of the right side. The camera takes a standard PX-27 battery, just like the other Minox subminiature cameras with built-in electronics.

In order to exchange the film, the outer shell of the body has to be removed completely. First the camera is pulled out in the normal way. Then, when pressing the small metal button to the left of the viewfinder, the outer shell can be pulled off completely, revealing the film compartment.

When entering a new film, the user has to preset the exposure counter at the bottom of the camera to either 15 or 36 exposures, depending on the type of film used. When shooting, the counter decreases each time the shutter release button is pressed. It therefore always shows the number of exposures left. When opening and closing the camera, the film will only be advanced to the next position when a picture has actually been taken (i.e. when the red button was pressed).
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