Flash light extension
When shooting pictures under low-light conditions, additinal light may be
necessary. When photographic documents, this can be achieved by putting
additional lamps, e.g. a bureau lamps, aside the documents. Alternatively,
a cube flashlight can be used. Flash cubes were popular in the 1960s and
1970s. Each cube contains 4 flash light and, hence, can be used 4 times
before being disposed.
The flasher is a small device with a bracket at one end.
The bracket fits the left side of a metal Minox subminiature camera, such
as the Minox B shown here. When fitted, a small plug inside
the flasher engages the socket mounted at one end of the camera.
Please note that there are some variations in Minox flashers.
The one shown in the image was designed especially for the
Minox B and has a rather large hole in the front of the camera bracket.
This hole was needed for the Selenium-based light meter.
Later variants had a smaller camera bracket, allowing it to be used on all
metal Minox subminiature cameras. This variant is also shown below.
The flasher has its own power source consisting of 2 large cells.
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