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Minox Tripod
Minox Tripod and Camera Adapter

The Minox tripod is, without doubt, one of the most clever gadgets in the Minox spy camera range. It basically consists of two major accessories: the actual tripod, usually stored in a leather case, and a tripod adapter that allows a Minox subminiature camera to be mounted on top of it. In fact, the tripod can also be used on its own with any other camera.
The clever bit is in the contruction of the tripod. After unpacking it from its leather case, only a single leg with the tripod head is visible. The remaining parts are all stored inside this one leg. Each item is screwed in place and can be released individually.

After removing the other parts from the storage leg, there are four major components: three legs to form a tripod, and a shutter release cable. The two additional legs are mounted into the empty holes of the tripod head. Release the thickest leg somewhat to adjust the head.
Tripod and storage case

A camera can now be mounted on top of the tripod. If a Minox subminiature camera is used, the additional Tripod Adapter is needed as well. It is mounted straight onto the tripod head. At the bottom of the adapter is a lock that has the same shape as the latch of the measuring chain. After removing the measuring chain, the camera can be fitted in the tripod adapter. The black rigged ring is used to lock the camera in place.

A movable bracket on the tripod adapter, allows the shutter release cable to be mounted and to be positioned right over the shutter release button. This way, the camera can be operated without touching it, which is ideal for taking low-light slow-shutter images.
Tripod and storage case The 4 components that make up the tripod. All items fit inside the thickest leg. Close-up of the tripod head, showing the two holes for both additional legs. The assembled tripod and the shutter release cable The Minox Tripod Adapter in the original box The Minox Tripod Adapter unpacked Close-up of the Minox Tripod Adapter Close-up of the Minox Tripod Adapter
The Minox Tripod Adapter mounted on top of the Tripod A minox C camera mounted in the tripod adapter. A bracket allows the current release cable to reach the shutter button. The bracket covering the shutter button, allowing the release cable to be mounted in front of it. The shutter release cable mounted to the bracket, allowing the shutter button to be engaged remotely. Camera on tripod The tripod with a Minox C camera mounted on top of it. The camera is ready for use and is operated with the shutter release cable.

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