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Fialka Checklist
Checklist for the M-125-3MP3

Each M-125 Fialka machine was supplied with a checklist when it was released by the factory. This list provided details of the quantity and nature of each item that was supplied and a stock number that could be used when ordering replacement parts. There was no date on the list.
The image on the right shows a rare example of a checklist that was found with a Czech Fialka M-125-3MR3 (Russian: М-125-МР3). For privacy reasons, all signatures have been removed.

The serial number of the machine was written in the top right corner of the checklist, whilst the signature of the person responsible for releasing the items was at the top left. Three signatures were at the bottom of the form: one for a representative of the manufacturer, one for the approval department and one for the customer.

The checklist can roughly be divided into three sections. The first section (items 1 to 11) refers to the Fialka machine itself and the accessories that are stored inside the metal dust cover. The second section (items 12-17) refers to the Power Supply Unit (PSU) and the cables that are needed for connection to the Fialka and a power source.

The third section (items 18-22) finally lists the various spare parts, maintenance tools and separate dust cover and shock absorbing mat that were originally supplied with the machine.
Example of a checklist as released with the Polish Fialka M-125-3MR3

Please note that not all items of this list have been recovered by collectors yet. Whilst most items are known by now, some parts, such as the ZIP box, the canvas cover and the shock absorbing mat, remain a mystery. Fialka checklists are extremely rare and, as far as we know, the one shown here is the only surviving example. We should like to thank Tom Perera for providing us with a photograph of his checklist and permission to publish it [1]. Further details and translations are provided in the Fialka M-125 Reference Manual [3].
Below is a rough translation of the Russian items on the checklist. Please note that in some cases it was difficult to translated the rather cryptic items names, but with help of Daniel Kula of the former Czechoslovakia [2] we have been able to identify most items. Where possible we have provided links to further details from the listed items below.
  1. Machine
  2. Holder (tape feeder) 1
  3. Cylindrical case (spare wheel set) 1
  4. Box (paper chad box) 1
  5. Box 1, 6
  6. Crank 1
  7. Disk (test reflector) 1
  8. Cover for print head (2 pieces) 1
  9. Print head 1
  10. Print head 1
  11. Dust cover

  12. Power Supply Unit 5
  13. Cable No 1 2
  14. Cable No 2 (extenstion to cable No 3) 2
  15. Cable No 3 2
  16. Cable No 4 2
  17. Cable No 5 2

  18. Toolkit in canvas pouch 3
  19. Toolkit in wooden box 3
  20. Wooden box with ZIP 4
  21. Canvas cover for Power Supply, ZIP and tools
  22. Lining (shock absorber)
  1. These items are located in the metal dust cover of the machine.
  2. These items are located in the cable storage compartment of the PSU.
  3. The individual tools were listed on a separeate form that we haven't found yet.
  4. ZIP is the abbreviation of 'Spare parts and accessories' (see below).
  5. The list might also refer to the Standard Power Supply Unit.
  6. The 2nd box has not yet been identified. It might refer to the old style paper chad box.

ZIP   Spare parts and accessories
Item number 20 in the list, ZIP (Russian: ЗИП), is the abbreviation of the Russian expression Запасные части И Принадлежности (Spare parts and accessories). It refers to a wooden box that contains mechanical spare parts (brackets, pawls, springs, etc.) as well as electronic spare parts (transistors, diodes, contacts, fuses, etc.). As far as we know, no complete ZIP has been found.
We did find some of the contents of the ZIP box however. The image on the right shows a small collection of spare parts such as notches, pawls, levers, screws, knobs, springs, transistors and contacts (for the adjustable wheels). Each item was wrapped in a numbered piece of paper.

In reality however, the Fialka appeared to be so reliably that mechanical spare parts were hardly needed. As a result, repair centres all over the Eastern-Block countries had warehouses full of them by the end of the Cold War. These have since been scrapped, but some have survived.
A collection of Fialka spare parts taken from the ZIP

For a Fialka repair centre, other spare parts were available as well. Apart from a wide range of (thousands of) different mechanical parts, complete electronic building blocks were available as well, such as the 5-bit encoder diode matrix, the puncher driver and the famous magic circuit.
A collection of Fialka spare parts taken from the ZIP Close-up of some spare parts Transistor for the puncher driver Bottom view of the magic circuit (new version) Top view of the magic circuit (new version) Puncher driver (top view) Diode matrix (contact side) Diode matrix (5-bit encoder)

  1. Tom Perera, Photograph of Fialka M-125-3MR3 checklist
    Received January 2006.

  2. Daniel Kula, Personal correspondence
    Help and explanation of Russian key words on the checklist. May 2006.

  3. Paul Reuvers and Marc Simons, The Fialka M-125 Reference Manual
    Copyright 2005-2009. Version 2.0, June 2009. ISBN 978-90-79991-01-3.

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