System 200 is a series of encryption products, introduced by
Mils Electronic in Mils (Austria) in the early 2000s.
It is based on in-house developed secure software packages for
sending messages and storing information on a PC, using Mils
Block Cipher algorithm (MBC) or Mils' OTP-technology for truely unbreakable
security. The software packages are complemented by hardware-based
security tokens, such as the MilsCard M-286
and the OneCube security module.
- MilsMessage
Proprietary e-mail client for Windows® personal computers.
It allows secure transmission of sensitive messages via e-mail and
any other telecommunication service.
- MilsMail
Security plug-in for Microsoft Outlook e-mail client.
Offers end-to-end security at the highest security level.
- MilsFile
Adds unbreakable security to the Windows Explorer.
Allows the encryption of files and folders on local and remote
storage media.
- MilsAdministrator
Windows application to setup and maintain a secure messaging
network, using the above products. Also manages the generation and
distribution of cryptographic keys.
- MilsCard
Tamper-proof hardware-based security module used by the above
applications. MilsCard was initially supplied as a
PCMCIA card,
but has since been replaced by the (compatible)
M-286 USB stick.
- OneCube
Portable tamper-proof security module with built-in noise
generator and 32GB of secure memory, that connects to a PC via
its USB interface.
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