Tadiran was a large
electronics company in Israel, founded in 1962 and
integrated into Elbit Systems in 2008.
Over the years, Tadiran developed and produced a lot of radio and COMSEC
equipment for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the US Army,
NATO and the Department of Defense (DoD) of more than 40 countries.
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In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Tadiran produced a series of COMSEC
cryptographic devices
that could be integraded with the combat radio networks of that era.
Some of these devices have been in use until recently and are now found
on the surplus market in Europe.
The SEC-13 was a voice crypto system developed in the mid-1970s.
It was intended for use in combination with existing radio networks, such
as the American VRC-12 series.
It was built for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF),
US Army, NATO and other countries.
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The SEC-15 was a voice and data crypto system developed in the early 1980s.
It was intended for use in combination with existing radio networks, such
as Clansman and
the American VRC radios.
It was built for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), USA Army, NATO
and other countries.
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