The receiver was built using state-of-the-art components, such as YIG
oscillators and filters, and was primarily built for
various agencies of the
US Government. Later, the receiver also became popular with the agencies of
other countries, who needed an export license for it, as the MSR-901 was
regarded a strategic item.
The image on the right shows a typical MSR-901, housed inside a Samsonite
briefcase. The unit is fully self-contained and has a built-in AC mains
power supply (at the rear) as well as rechargable NiCd batteries for mobile use.
The MSR-901 is also known as a counterespionage or
intercept receiver.
All controls and connections are on the front half of the receiver.
A suitable antenna can be connected to the N-connector socket at the front
The MSR-901 was followed by the slightly improved MSR-902 (1-18 GHz),
the MSR-903
and finally the MSR-904.
Although the MSR-90x range of microwave receivers has been very popular
within certain circles, it is very difficult to find any documentation
about them. We are currently looking for the user manual and, if possible,
the service manual. Furthermore, we like to hear stories from people who
have used these receivers in the field. If you think you can help, please
contact us.
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© Copyright 2009-2013, Paul Reuvers & Marc Simons. Last changed: Wednesday, 29 January 2014 - 12:31 CET