Monday 16 April 2012
On 23 June 2012 it is exactly 100 years ago that the famous British
mathematician Alan Turing was born. Turing was one of the major codebreakers
of Bletchley Park and is generally recognized
as one of the pioneers of the modern computer and artificial intelligence.
During WWII, Turing played a critical role in shortening the war by
breaking the German Enigma codes.
Because of the importance of his work, 2012 has been internationally
proclaimed The Alan Turing Year.
Many activities will be organized world-wide to
celebrate the 100th birthday of this remarkable person.
Please check the links at the bottom of this page for more information.
In the Netherlands, the Radboud University
of Nijmegen has organized
a masterclass Machines Maken en Breken (Making and Breaking Machines)
for pre-university students. There will be various lectures and workshops
related to codemaking, codebreaking and information technology.
Crypto Museum will be present to demonstrate real war-time
Enigma machines.
In addition to a small Enigma exhibition, Crypto Museum will conduct a 1-hour
talk about the Enigma Machine
and code-breaking during WWII. Click the image above for a full program
overview (in Dutch). A range of different Enigma machines will be shown,
including the very rare Enigma M4
model that was used in a German U-Boat.
Some machines will be demonstrated by Crypto Museum staff.
Don't miss this unique opportunity to see a real Enigma machine up close.
Admission to the Masterclass Turing is free of charge and is intended
for students of 3, 4 and 5 VWO (pre-academic). Students and schools need
to register on the
Radboud University website.
Any links shown in red are currently unavailable.
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© Copyright 2009-2013, Paul Reuvers & Marc Simons. Last changed: Sunday, 26 February 2012 - 13:41 CET