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Museum Verbindingsdienst
Royal Dutch Signals Museum - currently closed

The Royal Dutch Signals Museum is the the key place in The Netherlands to see the history of the Royal Dutch Signals Corps. The museum has a unique collection of military communication devices, spy radio sets, cipher machines, uniforms and other artefacts. Much of the equipment is in full working condition and can be demonstrated to the public by the enthusiastic volunteers.
The Dutch Signals Corps Museum is entirely run by volunteers (mainly ex-signals personnel) and was formerly housed in two large buildings on the Signal Corps' base in Ede (Netherlands).

On 1 June 2009, the museum had to close down temporarily after losing its home in Ede. The base was sold to the Ede city council, who needed the grounds for housing development, and had to be abandonned by 1 January 2011. As the Signals Corps itself had been relocated at the Bernhardkazerne in Amersfoort, it was likely that the museum would move there as well.
The WWII Enigma Machine in public display

Although the closing was temporarily and the museum had been promised a new location prior to its closure in 2009, ongoing restructures and cost cuttings at the Dutch Department of Defence (DoD) made the future of the museum uncertain. Several new locations and buildings were assigned, but were later redrawn in the light of further cuttings. In the meantime, the DoD had decided that all military museums in The Netherlands would be merged into one big National Defense Museum that will be located at the former Soesterberg Airforce Base.

This means that all Defence Units will have to give up their museum, although they are allowed to maintain an Historical Collection. Finally, in late 2012, it was announced that part of building C at the Bernhardkazerne had been assigned for the Historical Collection of the Signals Corps (HCRV).
New premises and new name
Updated: 18 February 2013

Since moving to the Bernhardkazerne in Amsterfoort (Netherlands) in 2009, the Dutch Signals Corps has been looking for a new premises for their Historical Collection (formerly known as Museum Verbindingsdienst; the Signals Corps Museum). Finally, in late 2012, it was announced that part of building C (used by the Dutch Cavalry Museum) has been allocated to them.
The building, that was formerly used for part of the collection of vehicles of the Cavalry Museum, has been handed over to the Signals Corps on 1 January 2013, and some of the adjacent rooms will become available during the course of 2013.

On 18 February 2013, at the 139th anniversary of the Signals Corps, the building was renamed to Historische Collectie Regiment Verbindings­troepen (HCRV); the Historical Collection of the Signals Corps Regiment. The image on the right shows military Signals Corps personnel on active duty, in front of the building with its new name.
Members of the Dutch Signal Corps in front of the new Museum

Although the building has now been allocated to the HCRV, the museum will not reopen any time soon. Over the past months, detailed plans for the refurbishment of the rooms and the layout of a new permanent exhibiton have been prepaired by the volunteers, and they are currently waiting for the plans to be carried out by the Department of Defence (DoD) and its contractors.
It is hoped that the museum can reopen on 1 June 2014, exactly 4 years after its closure, but it is uncertain whether this date can be met. It all depends on when the refurbishment is started.

One thing is certain: the layout of the exhibition will be completely different from its previous layout in Ede. The rooms will be much lighter and there will be fewer signs with the exhibits. Instead, people will be invited to search for information on one of the modern LCD screens. The exhibition will be layout to cover the full history of the Signals Corps in five time zones.
Volunteers of the Signals Corps Museum, in front of their new building in 18 February 2013. Photograph by Ronald van der Eijk.

As before, the museum will continue to be operated by an enthusiastic staff of volunteers, that includes (retired) former signals operators as well as people who are still on active duty. Although the museum lost some of its volunteers since its closure in 2009, the hard-core is still present and some new members have been signed up since. Nevertheless, the museum is always looking for new and energetic members so, if you don't know what to do in your spare time...

Crypto Museum congratulates the volunteers with their newly acquired premises and will try to help them in every way they can, with advice, restorations, repairs, historical backgrounds, publicity, etc. An opening date for the new Historical Collection has not been confirmed yet, but if you watch this space, we will be the first to make the announcement. To be continued...
The volunteers of the museum in front of their new building on 18 February 2013. Members of the Dutch Signal Corps in front of the new Museum Enthusiastic crowd in front of the new museum building Volunteers and Friends of the Museum Verbindinsdienst Friend of the museum awaiting the new name to be revealed The Lion, the regiment's monument, at the Veterans Square Civilians, military personnel and ex-military personnel in front of Building C Museum volunteers and friends in front of the new building

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© Copyright 2009-2013, Paul Reuvers & Marc Simons. Last changed: Tuesday, 19 February 2013 - 18:14 CET
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