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RFT Funkwerk Dresden
VEB Funkwerk Dresden was a publicly owned company (VEB) in the city of Dresden during the times of the former DDR (East Germany). The company was founded under Russian occupation immediately after WWII, in 1945, and was initially known as Radio H. Mende & Co. Dresden. In 1948, it became a Volkseigener Betrieb (VEB) and was renamed to VEB Funkwerk Dresden [1]. As the company was also part of the RFT consortium, it is also known as RFT Funkwerk Dresden.
Initially Funkwerk Dresden contentrated on the production of radio receivers for the domestic market, with bulk production starting in 1951. In 1962, the production of radios is cancelled and moved completely to Stern-Radio Staßfurt. From that moment on, the company concentrates on the production of measuring equipment and 2-way VHF radio communication systems.

In 1969, Funkwerk Dresden is merged with two other VEBs, Vakutronik and Schwingungstechnik und Akustik Dresden, and moves on as VEB Meßelektronik Dresden (abbreviated as MKD).
The offices of VEB Meßelektronik Dresden between 1969 and 1972. Photograph via [3]. Copyright unknown.

A few years later, in 1972, the name 'Otto Schön' is added to the title and the company becomes known as VEB Meßelektronik 'Otto Schön' Dresden. This name lasts until the company is merged with the large VEB consortium Robotron in 1979, after which the name is changed to VEB Robotron-Meßelektronik 'Otto Schön' Dresden. On 30 June 1990, after a variety of problems in the supply chain, the company was dissolved in the light of the reunification of Germany [2].

This was by no means the end of electronics and measurement technology in Dresden. Following the closure of Meßelektronik Dresen, a variety of smaller and larger companies was established. Nearly 30 new companies with three or more employees were founded in and around Dresden [2].
Covert 2-way FM radio transceiver for concealed use and surveillance UFT-421

  • 1945: Radio H. Mende & Co. Dresden.
  • 1948: VEB Funkwerk Dresden
  • 1969: VEB Meßelektronik Dresden (MKD)
  • 1972: VEB Meßelektronik Dresden 'Otto Schön'
  • 1979: VEB Robotron Meßelektronik 'Otto Schön' Dresden
  1. Radio Museum, History of radio manufacturer Funkwerk Dresden
    Retrieved May 2013.

  2. Stadarchiv Dresden, VEB Robotron-Meßelektonik 'Otto Schon' Dresden
    March 2007. Various authors. Retrieved May 2013.

  3. Robotron Technik, VEB Robotron-Meßelektonik 'Otto Schon' Dresden
    Copyright unknown. Retrieved May 2013.

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