Rohde & Schwarz (R&S) is an international group of electronics companies
with its headquarters in Munich (Germany). R&S is best known as one of the
leading manufacturers of professional electronic test equipment,
but they also manufacture a range of equipment for broadcasting,
intercept (direction finding)
and radio communication.
The company was founded by Dr. Hermann Schwarz and Dr. Lothar Rohde in
Munich in 1933 after working together on a project in 1932. They met a few years
earlier during their studies in Jena (Germany).
R&S is still in business today as a highly successful company with over 7000
employees. They have subsidaries in every major country including the US.
The company operates in four major business fields:
Test & Measurement Equipment, Broadcasting, Secure Communications
and Radio Monitoring.
R&S equipment featured on this website
- Headquarters
Mühldorfstraße 15
81671 München (Munich)
Phone: +49 (0)89 41290
Fax: +49 (0)89 412912164
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© Copyright 2009-2013, Paul Reuvers & Marc Simons. Last changed: Tuesday, 15 April 2014 - 13:18 CET