The image on the right shows the PSU which has no controls.
At the right is a socket for input from the mains. The wide-range PSU accepts
any AC voltage between 110 and 240V. To the left of the mains socket is
the main fuse (4A slow-blow). A spare fuse is stored below the plastic
cap on top of the unit.
At the bottom of the PSU are two large contact pins
that carry the 14V DC output voltage.
When the PSU is mounted on top of the battery charger,
these pins line-up with similar pins in the top lid of the charger.
The PSU is a Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) with a wide-range input
(110-240V AC).
The advantage of the SMPS principle is that PSUs can be made much smaller,
as they don't need a bulky transformer, and are highly efficient (approx.
80% at the time this PSU was designed).
Because of the high voltages, a protective
plastic cover is present between the PCB and the
top lid.
The image on the right shows the
interior of the PSU after the plastic cover
has been removed.
The PSU consists of a single PCB with an
SE5560 controller
at its heart
One of the disadvantages of an SMPS is that it generates rather strong
(unwanted) spurious signals that can cause interference with the reception
of weak radio signals. Such side-effects are generally classed as EMC-problems,
which are extremely difficult to solve.
Although the designers of the FS-5000 made an enormous effort to avoid any
EMC problems with this kit, the spurious signals from the PSU are not
sufficiently suppressed. As the FS-5000 was specified for a range of no less
than 6000 km, it was advised to power the radio station always from the
batteries. In some countries a modification was carried out that made it
impossible to connect the PSU/Charger to the transmitter. The modification
consisted of a plastic panel that was mounted over
the input connector of the transmitter.
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© Copyright 2009-2013, Paul Reuvers & Marc Simons. Last changed: Saturday, 21 April 2012 - 09:12 CET