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Protona Minifon Attaché
Miniature tape recorder
The Minifon Attaché was a minature tape recorder that was built by Protona GmbH in Germany. It was the first Minifon recorder that, unlike its predecessors the Mi-51 and the P-55, uses magnetic tape, rather than a thin wire. It is also the first all-transistor Minifon, containing a 4-stage transistor-based amplifier.
Rather than open reels, the Minifon Attaché used a tape cartridge. As the later Philips Compact Cassette didn't exist in 1959, Protona designed their own tape cartridge format. This format would be used for all later tape-based Protona Minifon recorders.

The image on the right shows a typical Minifon Attaché with the tape cartridge removed. The images below, also show empty tape cartridges in their original - sealed - packaging. If you look closely, they were supplied by Telefunken, which might appear strange.
The Minifon Attaché with a tape cartridge (cassette)

The reason is that Protona was taken over by Telefunken in 1962, and that the Minifon Attaché was in production right until the end in 1967. The same cartridges were used in the Minifon HiFi and the (Telefunken) Minifon Office. The images below give a good impression of how the tape cartridge was loaded.

Clearly visible is the special blue Minifon mini-accu at the rear of the device. Because transistors were used instead of valves, the recorder was powered by a single voltage. The minifon could also be powered by an external power supply unit. Strangely, compared to the P-55 and the later Minifon Special, the position of the power connector and the microphone connector have been swapped.
Minifon Attaché The opened Minifon Attaché without tape cartrdige The Minifon Attaché with a tape cartridge (cassette) Placing a tape cartridge in the Minifon Attaché The Minifon Attaché with open lid, clearly showing the tape cartridge Close-up of the indicator, the accessory-connector and some of the controls An empty tape cartridge in the original sealed storage box Close-up of a corner of the tape cartridge storage box, clearly showing the Telefunken logo.

A wide range of accessories and add-ons were available for the Minifon Attaché, just like for most other models. As the Attaché was mainly aimed at business people, the default range of accessories would include the standard crystal microphone and the stethoscope-style headphones (Stetoset).   
The headphones in the shape of a stethoscope

The headphones in the shape of a stethoscope The single-voltage rechargeable battery

  1. Roland Schellin, Spion in der Tasche
    Detailed history of Protona and the Minifon recorders
    ISBN: 3-936012-00-8 (German)

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