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Protona Minifon P 55 L/S
Miniature wire recorder
The Minifon P 55 was a minature wire recorder developed and built by Protona GmbH in Germany. As the name suggests, it was introduced in 1955 as the successor to the Mi-51. Like the Mi-51, it was valve-based and recorded sound on a very thin wire.
The image on the right shows the controls of the P-55. The machine is completely different from its predecessor, the Mi-51, but it includes all experiences and feedback gained from the Mi-51. Without the Mi-51, the P-55 could not have existed.

All controls are at one end of the machine and so are the connections for microphone, headphones and power supply unit (PSU). A 3-pin socket on the left is used for connection of the PSU. The socket on the right is used for both the microphone and the headphones.
Close-up of the controls

The P-55 came five years after the first Minifon Mi-51, after the company went through some bad weather and customers didn't expect much anymore. The P-55 was presented to a small selected audience, just a day before the Hannover Messe (Hannover Fair) of 1955. It was well received and would be Protona's mainstream product for the next five years [1] . It was sold for a price of DM 925 for the standard model (S) and DM 985 for the long-play version (L) [4] .
The store case of the P55. Unfortunately the top 'leather' part of the flap is missing. Close-up of the P-55 stored inside the transit case P-55 The P-55 with the lid open Close-up of the controls Close-up of the microphone input connector and some controls Close-up of the wire spools and the recording head Close-up of the recording head

Over 20 different accessories were available for the P-55, ranging from a variety of microphones, to the storage case. The price for the latter (empty) was DM 75 in June 1958 [4] . The Operating Instructions [2] list the following add-ons:
  • Crystal microphone (standard)
  • Table speaker/microphone
  • Wrist-watch microphone
  • Throat microphone
  • Dynamic (moving coil) microphone
  • Stetoset phones
  • Single type ear-set
  • Electrical foot control
  • Mechanical foot control
  • Telephone pick-up
  • Recording & play-back cable
  • Car battery adapter
  • Telephone transformer
Close-up of the P-55 stored inside the transit case

The 'standard' microphone supplied with the Mi-51. Attaches to clothing with a leather strap. The headphones in the shape of a stethoscope The famous microphone that was disguised as a typical watch Play cable for connecting the P-55 to an external amplifier A spare wire spool in a storage box Some accessories Mains adapter (PSU)
Car battery adapter This holster allowed the Minifon to be carried under the clothing Chrhstal microphone

  1. Roland Schellin, Spion in der Tasche
    Detailed history of Protona and the Minifon recorders
    ISBN: 3-936012-00-8 (German)

  2. Protona GmbH, Operating Instructions for Your Minifon P-55
    Official instruction manual (24 pages + 2 pages supplement), December 1957 (English)

  3. Protona GmbH, Das Neue Minifon P55
    Sales brochure, March 1957

  4. Protona GmbH, Preisliste für minifon P 55 - und Spezialzubehör
    Price list for the Minifon P-55 and special accessories, 1958 (German)

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