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Mythos Enigma
A new book by Dominik Landwehr

On 8 November 2008 we were invited at the presentation of Dominik Landwehr's new book Mythos Enigma. The book also acted as Dominik's dissertation in 2007 at the Faculty of Philosophy and History of the Basel University.
The event took place at the Medienkunstforum [plug.in] in Basel (Switserland) and turned out to be a real Enigma day. Dominik presented the most important results of his study and Swiss thriller author Peter Zeindler spoke about his most secret sources.

During the event, demonstrations of a number of important cipher machines were held by a number of contributors, such as Gerhard Sulger Buel, John Alexander, Dr. Rudi Ritter, Walter Schmid and Walter Gruber. The latter was representing Crypto AG (Hagelin).

Among the distinguised guests was Oskar Sturzinger, the very first employee and later vice-president of the Hagelin Crypto company (now Crypto AG), who gave a talk on the Hagelin history and demonstrated some of the earlies machines, such as the B-21 and the C-35.

Paul Reuvers and Marc Simons of the Crypto Museum were present to demonstrate the famous Russian Fialka cipher machine and the very rare Zählwerk Enigma also known as Enigma-G.
Dominik Landwehr talking about his new book Thriller author Peter Zeindler talking about his secret sources First Hagelin employee Oskar Sturzinger talking about his inventions A captive audience... A captive audience... Part of the audience. In the foreground and Enigma-E, the Zählwerk Enigma and the Fialka Walter Schmid demonstrating a Swiss cipher machine to some visitors Walter Schmid, Rudi Ritter, Walter Gruber, Oskar Sturzinger and Gerhard Sulger Buel sitting around a Swiss Enigma-K

The video below shows an impression of the various demonstrations that were given this day. We see Gerhard Sulger Buel demonstrating the wartime Swiss version of the Enigma K, and interviews with Dr. Rudolf Ritter and Walter Schmid (Crypto AG). John Alexander demonstrates our Fialka machine, whilst Paul Reuvers shows the coding wheels of the recently discovered Zählwerk Enigma.
Dominik Landwehr published his Book Mythos Enigma in 2008 as his PhD Thesis at the University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities. As of 10 November 2010, this book can also be downloaded as a PDF file (15MB). The book is written in the German language. Click the link below if you want to download the book.

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