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This year's HAM Radio 2014 in Friedrichshafen (Germany) was a great success.
The event was held from 27 to 29 June 2014 and attracted Radio Hams and
cipher collectors from all over the world. As usual, Crypto Museum was
present at the Enigma stand, which was even larger than the previous year.
As usual, many historians, collectors and cipher enthusiasts met here
and many rare items changed hands.
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In November and December 2013, Crypto Museum organized a special exhibition
that focussed on Secret Communication. Many items were on public
display for the first time.
For this event, Crypto Museum had teamed up with the
Foundation for German Technology in Diemen (Amsterdam, Netherlands).
The event was open to the general public on three Saturdays
in November and one Sunday in December 2013.
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On Sunday 25 August 2013, historian Henk van Stigt will conduct
an Enigma lecture at Fort aan den Ham in Uitgeest (near
Amsterdam, Netherlands) during an Open Day. Crypto Museum will
be present with a real functional Enigma Machine and some
At the same time, professional safe-cracker Barry Wels will try
to open an 'unbreakable' safe that was found inside the fort.
Full story
On 21 June 2013, a TV crew of the popular German science program
Galileo, visited Crypto Museum in order to shoot footage for their
documentary Geheimcodes (secret codes).
In the program, presenter Matthias Fiedler has to solve three
encrypted riddles in order to find AES inventor Joan Daemen.
We helped him to solve the third riddle.
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Every year Crypto Museum makes its appearance at the ENIGMA stand at
the HAM Radio show in Friedrichshafen (Germany). Although officially not a
crypto event, it has become the 'place to be' for crypto collectors
and historians from all over the world.
As usual, our stand was shared by a number of historians and collectors
and this year our stand was bigger than ever...
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Exhibition at Eindhoven City Library
At the event of the Week of the Book, the City Library of Eindhoven
(Netherlands) has invited research journalist Marcel Metze
to talk about the role that Philips managers played in WWII.
To highlight this event, Crypto Museum has set up a mini-exhibition at
the library's first floor, showing a number of secret devices that Philips
has manufactured over the years.
The exhibition will remain at the library until 2 April 2013.
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Exhibition at Radboud University
At the event of the 55th anniversary of the Faculty of Science of
the Radboud University in Nijmegen (Netherlands), an open day was
held on Saturday 24 November 2012.
At this event, Crypto Museum was
present with a nice collection of historical cipher equipment, ranging
from WW-II to the present day.
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On 8 November 2012, Crypto Museum was asked to hold a talk on Enigma
and wartime crypto, for the (former) Signals Corps Officers prior
to their annual dinner. The presentation was met with great enthusiasm
and most of the attendees felt the available time was too short...
Besides a working wartime Enigma-I
machine, we also brought two contemporary machines: the Russian
and the American KL-7.
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Rediscovery of Enigma H-221
On 1 August 2012, Crypto Museum was invited at the Museum for
Military History in Budapest (Hungary) where we rediscovered
an extremely rare Enigma-variant: a printing Enigma Model H29
with serial number H-221.
The machine had been on public display in the past, but has
since been locked away in the Hungarian archives.
Until now that is...
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Like in previous years, Crypto Museum has attended the
Ham Radio 2012 in Friedrichshafen (Germany).
It was held from 22 to 24 June.
Us usual, we shared our tables with Prof. Tom Perera
and many other crypto-enthusiasts, making our stand the ENIGMA meeting point.
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Funkhistorisches Treffen 2012
Since 1994, a small German group of people,
interested in the history of radio
and related subjects, organizes an annual meeting packed with demonstrations,
lectures and excursions.
This year, the historical city of Dresden was selected as main location
and Crypto Museum was invited to give an Enigma-talk.
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Because of the importance of his work, 2012 has been internationally
proclaimed The Alan Turing Year.
Many activities will be organized world-wide to
celebrate the 100th birthday of this codebreaker and
mathematical genious.
In the Netherlands, the Radboud University
of Nijmegen has organized
a masterclass for pre-university students, called
Machines Maken en Breken (making and breaking machines).
Crypto Museum was present to give a talk on Enigma and
demonstrate a real
war-time machine.
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From Friday 23 to Sunday 25 March 2012, Crypto Museum was the guest of the
NVHR, the Dutch Society for the History of Radio, at the event of their
35th anniversary.
Crypto Museum had been asked to give a series of Enigma lectures, which
we did. More importantly, we brought a range of different Enigma models
and accessories...
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On 15 and 16 November 2011, Crypto Museum hosted a large exhibition
of historical cipher machines at the 10th annual GOVCERT.NL
symposium at the World Trade Center in Rotterdam (Netherlands).
Over 50 divices and documents were displayed in a series of large
showcases, spread around the circumfere of the main hall.
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Enigma, deciphered victory
A great exhibition about the groundbreaking work of the Poles,
when breaking the Enigma
codes during WWII. Although most people will
be familiar with the British (and later American) codebreaking efforts
during the war, the important role of the Poles is often forgotten.
Between 3 July and 14 September 2011, the Polish codebreakers were the
highlights of the exhibition
Enigma, deciphered victory
in the General Maczek Museum in Breda (Netherlands).
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Between 15 October 2010 and 19 January 2011 we helped
Scryption in Tilburg (Netherlands) organising an
exhibition on how cryptography is used to 'buy' time.
The exhibition was a close co-operation between Scryption,
Crypto Museum and the AIVD.
Many historical cipher machines were on public display, such as Enigma,
Fialka and Hagelin, but also some rare machines such as the American
KL-7 and a full range of Hagelin machines.
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Between 8 and 12 February 2010, the Eindhoven University of Technology
(TU/e), organised a special week on Digital Security, called
Apart from lectures and workshops, there was a unique exhibition of
historical cipher machines from the collections of
Scryption and Crypto Museum.
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On 5 and 6 September 2009, the annual Enigma Reunion was held at
Bletchley Park in the UK.
This year was special, as it was the 70th anniversary of the
arrival of top codebreakers Alan Turing and Gordon Welchman
at Bletchley Park on 4 September 1939.
To commemorate the anniversary, the largest-ever exhibition
of Enigma
and other cipher machines was held
during the reunion weekend.
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On 8 November 2008 we were invited at the presentation of Dominik Landwehr's
new book Mythos Enigma. The book also acted as Dominik's dissertation
in 2007 at the Faculty of Philosophy and History of the Basel University.
At the event, we demonstrated the famous
Russian Fialka and the rare
Zählwerk Enigma.
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Exhibition Secret Messages
Between 1 October 2008 and 29 February 2009, Crypto Museum helped
organising a large exhibition at the Dutch Ham Radio Museum
Jan Corver in The Netherlands.
Numerous objects from the collection of the Jan Corver Museum,
the Crypto Museum and many others, were brought together for this
unique five-month event.
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Introduction of the Enigma-E
On 5 November 2003 the Enigma-E self build kit was first
introduced at Bletchley Park. The introduction coincided
with the opening a new exhibition called
'Wizards, Widgets and Weird Inventions'.
It marks the start of a successful co-operation between
BP and the Crypto Museum, and the Enigma-E has become a
most-wanted gadget ever since.
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© Copyright 2009-2013, Paul Reuvers & Marc Simons. Last changed: Monday, 30 June 2014 - 18:09 CET