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Ham Radio 2014
27-29 June 2014

In the past few years, the HAM RADIO convention in Friedrichshafen (Germany) has grown into an crypto-collectors meeting point, where historians, collectors and crypto-enthusiasts can meet, swap items and hunt for the find of the century. This year our ENIGMA stand was larger than ever.
Headed by Enigma-hunter Tom Perara (USA), this year's Enigma-stand took a complete block of tables in Hall A3 of the Friedrichshafen Messe. The usual suspects were present at our stand: Tom Perera and his wife Gretchen, trading in unusual and rare Enigma items, and Paul Reuvers and Marc Simons representing Crypto Museum and demonstrating the Enigma-E.

Also present, as in recent years, was Enigma-expert Klaus Kopacz, who was demonstrating a recently completed fully featured Enigma machine, that will soon be available for sale.

A new face in Friedrichshafen was Dan Perera, the son of Tom and Gretchen, who has now joined his father in the hunt for Enigma machines and rare Enigma-related items. And we noticed that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, as he turned up with an Enigma UKW-D on the first day.
Following last year's success, the iTelex team, headed by Henning Treumann, demonstrated the latest development in the TelexPhone and iTelex projects, with full hands-on demonstrations. As their project makes noise and shows old telex machines in action, it successfully attracted a lot of attention, even from a young audience.

Other hosts at our stand were John Alexander and Kevin Coleman from the UK, Ray Robinson from Australia, Niels Juel from Norway and many others. And last but not least the many people who visited us. Many thanks for your support.

John Alexander was showing his latest discovery: a rare and special version of the German Army Enigma machine with two printer connections at the back. He was even interviewed by a TV crew. It is a standard German Army Enigma I machine, made by Ertel Werk in München in 1943, with connections for a double strip printer: one for the cipher text and one for the plain text.

At the Crypto Museum tables, we were demonstrating the electronic Enigma-E self-build kit that was released more than 10 years ago but is still going strong. It has generated a lot of public interest in the subject of the Enigma and is supported by its own internet user-community.
We also had a working Fialka cipher machine at our stand which attracted a lot of attention from the public. Luckily, former Fialka operator and service technician Willy Fuchs was at hand to explain the inner secrets of this great machine.

The Fialka was also the subject of our lecture on Friday afternoon, where we showed a audience of approx. 100 enthusiasts the details of our search to reveal the technical details of this once highly secret Russian cipher machine. The details of this research are available from our store as a book: The Fialka Reference Manual.

All in all, we can once again look back at a highly successful event at which we've met old friends, made new ones and discovered new secrets, some of which will be revealed soon. Many thanks for all who have visited us in Friedrichshafen. We are looking forward to seeing you again soon.
A busy Friday at the HAM Radio 2014 in Friedrichshafen Part of the Enigma stand. At the right Tom Perera, at the centre Crypto Museum and at the left the Telex team. Klaus Kopacz (right) talking with a visitor about his Enigma replica Marc Simons demonstrating the Enigma-E self-build kit to a visitor A proud John Alexander showing his recently discovered 'special' Enigma machine to a visitor John Alexander being interviewed about his 'special' Enigma Front view of the special Enigma I Rear view of the special Enigma
Dan Perera behind the Enigma desk. In the foreground his mother Gretchen. French collector Didier demonstrating a rare French intercept receiver Mechanical telex machines still seem to appeal to a young audience An enthusiastic Henning (right) talking about his projects Former Fialka operator and service technician Willy Fuchs demonstrating a Fialka cipher machine As usual the Enigma machine is the most-photographed item at the show A visitor is operating the Enigma machine under supervision of Tom and Gretchen Dan Perera talking to a collector of cipher machines

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