Funkhistorisches Treffen 2012
Treffen des Funkhistorischen Interessenkreises 2012
Since 1994, a small German group of people,
interested in the history of radio
and related subjects, organizes an annual meeting. Traditionally, this meeting
is held in a different location each year, which is often a place of historical
importance. Last years meeting was in Dessau.
This year, the beautiful city of Dresden was selected
and a hotel on the outskirts of the city was used as headquarters.
The 3-day event was held from 26 to 28 April 2012 and consisted of
a number of lectures, museum visits and trips.
Crypto Museum was asked to talk about
Dresden and the area surrounding it, has many places of historical importance.
The city itself was largely destroyed by the Allied Forces in the aftermath
of WWII, but has since been rebuilt completely. It has many
historical buildings
and a number of very interesting museums.
On one of our excursions, we visited the
Militär Historisches Museum
(Military Historical Museum) that has recently been restored completely
and has just reopened its doors with an all-new exhibition. The museum
has many interesting historical artefacts
— including a commercial Enigma machine —
but the problem at present is
the lack of guidance to the avarage visitor.
Luckily, our organizer Werner Thote had aranged for a
personal guided tour by the museum's historian,
which made it really worthwhile. A visit to this museum is highly
recommended [1].
Also very rewarding was a visit to the
Police Signals School in the
former DDR (East-Germany in the times of the Iron Curtain). They have
a great collection of telephone and radio stuff and demonstrate
all kinds of intercept equipment, from telephone taps to
state-of-the-art radio bugs.
At this occasion, group-member Günter Fietsch gave a nice talk on
former DDR radios.
This year, Crypto Museum was asked to give a detailed talk on
which was scheduled for the Saturday evening.
Although we've given this talk numerous times in Dutch and
English, we were a bit nervous as this was the first time we gave it
in German. It went very well and we got many positive responses from
the audience. Although most of the lectures are only of interest to the
male visitors, the Enigma presentation attracted many female guests
as well.
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© Copyright 2009-2013, Paul Reuvers & Marc Simons. Last changed: Sunday, 12 August 2012 - 14:55 CET