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NVHR Weekend
Friday 23 - Sunday 25 March 2012

At the event of the 35th anniversary of the NVHR (Nederlandse Vereniging voor de Historie van de Radio, Dutch Society for the History of Radio), a special member weekend was held at the Dutch coast. For three days, we were the guests of Hotel Zuiderduin in Egmond aan Zee (Netherlands).
During the conference, various exhibitions, demonstrations, auctions and lectures were held and Crypto Museum had been asked to give two lectures on Enigma. The lectures attracted many people and were so successful that we had to add-in an extra one on Saturday.

For the event, we showed and demonstrated five different Enigma models, ranging from the earliest commercial model to the rare U-Boot Enigma. Also on display were some very rare items, such as UKW-D, Schreibmax and the Enigma Uhr (the latter two being on loan).
Different Enigma models side-by-side

For security reasons, Crypto Museum was assigned a decicated locked lecture room, where the heavily guarded Enigma machines were on public display. It is believed that this is the first time in The Netherlands that so many different models and accessories were brought together. And, more importantly, they were not hidden behind glass. The image above shows part of the table in the lecture room. More images below. They should give a good impression of the setup.
Different Enigma models side-by-side Different Enigma machines and accessories in the lecture room The extremely rare Zählwerk-Enigma amidst its family members The lecture table. Note the German Naval UKW-D in the class cabinet at the front. The lecture room Enigma, a family of machines

The event was an overwhelming success and we should like to thank the HVHR, and in particular Dick Zijlmans, for their hospitality and their organizing skills. We met many new people and had nice discussions at the end of each lecture. One person even brought us two spare Enigma bulbs! We should also like to thank Arthur Bauer [1] for lending us his Enigma Uhr and his Schreibmax.
But there was a lot more to see. The weather was great and tempted many to take a walk on the beach of the North Sea coast. Meanhwhile, at the conference venue, people queued up to watch the many demonstrations and lectures.

The main hall was filled with a large exhibition of early radios, valves and other domestic (audio) equipment. Components were for sale, as were special chemicals for the repair and restoration of wood and Bakelite. The images below should give a good impression of the atmosphere in Egmond aan Zee this weekend.
A view at the North Sea from our hotel room

A view at the North Sea from our hotel room Karin Hovius educating the women about (radio and light) waves Arthur Bauer showing his achievements with the secret German NACHTFEE The tireless Dick Zijlmans Seb Blommaart showing his nice replicas A nice collection of early valves Great exhibition of NSF radios by Frans Driessens ...and much much more...

  1. Arthur Bauer, Foundation for German Communication and Related Technologies
    Schreibmax printer and Enigma Uhr courtesy Arthur Bauer.

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