Vereniging Officieren Verbindingsdienst
On 8 November 2012, Crypto Museum was asked to hold a talk on Enigma
and wartime crypto, for the (former) Signals Corps Officers prior
to their annual dinner. The presentation was met with great enthusiasm
and most of the attendees felt that the available time was too short...
For the event, we brought a fully operational wartime German Army
Enigma-I machine, which was
demonstrated to the audience. As most (former) officers were already
in service during the Cold War, we also brought the Russian and
American counterparts of the Enigma:
The Russian Fialka and the
American KL-7,
both contemporary wheel-based cipher machines.
The KL-7
was used in the Dutch Army (as part of NATO) in the years
following WWII (1950-1980) and was known locally as ADONIS.
For many people it was like meeting an old friend again.
The Russian Fialka
machine was 'new' to most people in the
audience, as it was used behind the Iron Curtain and its
existence was not revealed until 2005. Like the KL-7 its
design is clearly based on the German Enigma, albeit with
many improvements in design, security and operation.
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