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Ham Radio 2012
Over the past five years, Crypto Museum has made an appearance at the Ham Radio event in Friedrichshafen (Germany). Ham Radio 2012 was organised by the German Amateur Radio Club (DARC) and is one of the largest ham radio events in Europe. It was held from 22 June to 1 July.
Like in other years, Crypto Museum shares its tables with Prof. Tom Perera and his wife, in an area known as the ENIGMA-corner. During the three-day event, many crypto collectors from all over Europe and even from as far as the US and Australia, use our tables as a meeting point.

This year we had crypto-author Klaus Schmeh as our special guest. Klaus brought a large box with copies of his latest book Nicht zu Knacken [1] (Unbreakable) and was available to sign them on the spot. Needless to say that he sold-out on the first day. Next time he should bring some more...

This year, one hall was filled with commercial organisations, selling the latest ham radio stuff, and two halls with surplus equipment. As usual, we were in the first surplus hall. The stand is usually located on a corner and has a large ENIGMA-sign that can be spotted easily from anywhere in the hall. There even was a real Enigma-I machine on the stand, brought in by a German collector.

Enigma machines never fail to attract a lot of people and raise discussions. It makes our stand one of the busiest of the event. Over the past few years, we've even met a few real eye witnesses, who wanted to share their story with us. Apart from an Enigma machine there were also a couple of Hagelin machines and last but not least our famous Enigma-E self-build kit. We had a great time. With old and new friends. And as usual, we took more stuff home than we brought to the show...
The ENIGMA corner Crypto author Klaus Schmeh signing his latest books A view from behind the tables HELL-expert Frank Dörenberg (left) speaking with telex-expert Henning Treumann (right) John Alexander, Jerry McCarthy and Jim Meier Crypto Museum's Marc Simons (left) and USA-guest Fitz Berendsen (right)

  1. Klaus Schmeh, Nicht zu knacken
    Hanser Verlag 2012 (German). ISBN 978-3-446-42923-9.

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© Copyright 2009-2013, Paul Reuvers & Marc Simons. Last changed: Sunday, 12 August 2012 - 07:57 CET
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