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Philips ZO-47
Compact spy radio set - wanted item

The ZO-47 was a compact modular spy radio set, developed by Philips/NSF shortly after WWII, around 1947, for the Dutch stay-behind organisation O&I. It was introduced late in 1947, and by early 1948 the first 100 sets had been deliverd [1]. They were later replaced by American radios.
The ZO-47 consists of three same-size units: a transmitter, a receiver and a power supply unit, that are connected together by means of short cables. The set is powered directly from the mains or from a 6V battery using a vibrator.

The image on the right shows a typical ZO-47 that is part of the collection of the Dutch Signals Museum (Museum Verbindingsdienst). It is an improved version of the original ZO-47 with better components and more modern valves, that was probably introduced in the early 1950s. As such is was given the designator ZO-47/01.

For a long time, the existence of the ZO-47 was unknown to the public. All that changed when in 1992 two ZO-47 units were discovered in a house at the Parkstraat in Utrecht, along with a large number of weapons and explosives [2]. The house was probably a 'forgotten cache' of the Dutch stay-behind organisation O&I of which the owner had died. Several experts were asked to investigate the radio set, but in the end the District Attorney ordered all units to be destroyed.

The destruction of all ZO-47 that had been collected by the organisation was carried out by the Dutch Army (Landmacht) and took place at the Dutch Hoogovens (blast furnaces) in IJmuiden (Netherlands). Fortunately, the officer responsible for the destruction of the ZO-47 and all other radio sets that had been used by the organisation, kept one of each unit back and donated it to the Royal Dutch Signals Museum (Museum Verbindingsdienst) were it was put on public display.
Help required
The photograph of the ZO-47 shown above, was taken in 2009 at the Museum Verbindingsdienst [4] shortly before they were closed. Unfortunately, the quality of the image is rather poor and we have not been able to photograph another ZO-47 unit since. Better images will have to wait until the museum reopens sometime in 2014.

At present, not much is known about the ZO-47. Any further information, however small, would be most welcome. Furthermore, Crypto Museum are looking for a ZO-47 set for their collection. If you think you can help us further, please contact us.
  1. Herman Schoemaker, Een geheime organisatie in beeld
    De Nederlandse stay-behind-organisatie, geheim, onafhankelijk en zelfstandig?
    The Dutch stay-behind organisation, secret, independent and autonomous? (Dutch).
    Thesis under supervision of Prof. Dr. B.G.J. de Graaff, Utrecht University. 7 June 2013.

  2. RAM Magazine, Mysterie in Utrecht
    RAM 136, Oktober 1992.

  3. Wim Kramer, Mysterie in Utrecht na jaren opgelost
    RAM 191, Oktober 1992. pp. 32-35.

  4. Museum Verbindingsdienst (Royal Dutch Signals Museum)
    Retrieved February 2009.

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